Why and how I use Google Forms to reduce workload
As a teacher I need to be able to check student knowledge and retention quickly and frequently. Teaching just over 400 students a week requires me to be creative in the way I do that - I still need time to analyse what they know and create new resources/plan lessons that react to that. Therefore I decided to outsource the marking element to google so that I can focus on the outcomes. An ofsted inspector recently stated that the only point for assessments is to check whether your schemes of work need adapting and what support students need. Spending hours marking the same thing just does not make sense. This year I have focused on creating self-marking forms for my Year 9 Music classes (I have been teaching all 180 students in the year group). I attach my google forms to google classroom so that I can import the results and use the mark book in classroom to help me check in on each class individually. I then use the analytical elements of the google form to look for the...