Using 'Wakelet' to organise online resources
Context I am constantly collecting up resources. I get really passionate when I find something that will help me teach, and often get inspired to write entire new schemes of work from what I find. But often I find things at times that are not convenient. I have one of those brains that loses things (including the plot) very quickly, and therefore there is no guarantee I will ever remember that gem of a resource again unless I find a strategy to help me remember. For a long time I created a 'resources' folder in my email inbox and placed things in there. But I could count the number of times I actually opened that folder on one hand. I'd go in and there would a wide range of different topics, I'd be confused by the subject lines that made perfect sense at the time (or had none because I was in too much of a rush at that moment - the 'I'll sort it later' mindset). I'd feel so overwhelmed that I'd rather start google searching again, not being able to...