The cheats guide to homework marking part 1 - Thumbnails
Context At my school we set weekly homework tasks in one of my subjects and fortnightly in the other at KS3. Homework is weekly at KS4. Teaching just over 400 students a week I needed to come up with some cheats else I would never have time for anything other than homework! I would love to take credit for these cheats, but they’ve evolved from conversations with many other teachers over the years. For context I’m in a school where every student has a chrome book and we use google classroom to set homework’s. Thumbnails On google classroom you can get an overview of all students work on an assignment with small pictures of each assignment. If you can design tasks that allow you to see from a small picture that they have both completed their homework, and got the right idea you’re on to a winner! This can work many ways: 1. Coloured boxes: get them to drag and drop the boxes into the right places. At a glance you can check they have a) moved, and b) got the right colou...