Preparing for the future and how to say no!
It can be really helpful at times to think about your boundaries and plan ahead for when you will need to put these in place. Doing it when you’re feeling calm and seeing the big picture can allow you to make good decisions and have strategies ready for when they are needed. There are times when you’re going to need to dig deep into your energy reserves and really plough on, but there are also times when to not push yourself over the edge, you need to say the word no. Each of us is different and will have ways of going about this. The advice in here is what I have found works for me and my personality. I will say that I do not say the word ‘no’ as a default position. In fact, I often find myself saying yes, even when inconvenient. As a result though, when I do say no, or ask for help myself, I often have a willing team around me who will go that extra mile. Planning ahead Get yourself a wall planner and put in all your dates for the academic year - your parents evening...