It's that time of year when tracking and report writing are coming thick and fast. I'm currently in the process of writing 150 Year 9 reports, which is just the tip of the key stage 3 data iceberg looming on the horizon.
I will do a series of posts on how I've found workarounds for things that have taken me time in the past. In this blog, it's about 'effort' grades for homework. I know not all schools require this, but if they do it can be a bit of a nightmare data gathering exercise - so here's where I recommend putting google sheets (or whichever spreadsheet creator you prefer) to work instead.
At the bottom of this blog I have created a short video talking you through how I use these formula, so if visual/audio is better than words, please do scroll on down!
Whenever my students do a homework I put a 1 in my mark book. This is purely a marker that they have completed the homework, not if they've done it correctly etc. This is purely done because I am asked to inform parents how well they do in their homework tasks.
Formulas to the rescue
I use different formulas to make my life easier. The first is the sum formula. In L3 I ask it to add up all the scores for homework completed to date
If you're using google sheets it may well try to fill in the rest of them for you straight away. If it doesn't hover your mouse over the corner of the cell until you see a +, then click and drag down.
Now I know how many homework tasks each student has done I then know which grading to give them. So next I use 'if' formula to look up the grade and put in the appropriate descriptor for their attitude to learning. If statements can be quite complicated to get your head around, but once you have, they're brilliant time saving devices.
So what we want is for it to look up the number in L3 and then put in the appropriate descriptor. I will include my formula below so you can copy, paste and adapt it, but a few things you need to remember:
You need = at the start, so that it know you want it to do the work
You always need to start each instruction with 'if'
Always put a bracket before the cell you want it to look up
>= will tell it to look up if the number greater than
<= will tell it to look up if the number is smaller than
, are used for breaking up the instructions
" " are necessary around what you want it to say
At the end of the formula you need to close all your brackets - so if you've put in 4 instructions, you need 4 end brackets last of all.
I know that's a lot of information in one go, but if you're getting error messages it's usually one of these that is wrong, so use it to trouble shoot.
If the box L3 is greater than the number 8, please put in the word Excellent
If the box L3 is greater than the number 5, please put in the word Good
and so on and so forth.
Finally you will want to copy and paste these words across to your school data spreadsheet. A word of warning here: Don't do normal paste - it will try to copy across the formula and not the words you've chosen.
1. Copy as normal (e.g. ctrl c)
2. Go to edit, paste special, values only (or ctrl, shift, v)
If you have questions please do post them below. If you have even better solutions than what I have come up with, again please comment below. The more we help each other reduce workload the better all our lives will be.
Choosing What to Fail At - A Guide to Keeping Your Sanity It is a well known fact that a teachers work is never done. There will always be something else we can do to help our students make progress, or to fit a school agenda, Ofsted criteria etc. In an ideal world our work life would be balanced between teaching and being able to do all these things, but of course education does not live in an ‘ideal world’. Understand your reality During the last academic year I decided it was time to move schools after 16 years at the same one. I was putting in applications, going for interviews, completing an NPQ and the full time job, as well as being a Mum, writing articles etc. Boy did it get busy. Just writing that list I wonder what on earth I was thinking! I got a dream job, and moved to a new school and a promotion to leading my own department at the start of the academic year. I love it!! But it’s hard work. I cannot do everything that needs to be done. I cannot do it quick enough to l...
Using a Google Sheet (or spreadsheet) to Write Reports It's that time of year when workload increases with report writing. Just this week I have had to write 180 two sentence reports (we also had Ofsted in this week and a year 7 parents evening...). Although I would love to write highly individualised and detailed reports it is just not possible if I want to also run my extra-curricular groups, keep on top of marking and planning and see my family at all. Therefore cheats have to be found! I have created two systems over the last few years, one using spreadsheets which I will go through here, and another using google forms, which I will write up at a later date. Set up So the first step is to write a standard report that makes sense. For example I want to report back on the effort they put into lessons and a comment on their homework. I then want to give them a target that will help improve their attainment. An example would be: In year 9 Harry has demonstrated excell...
This blog is response to a request from a colleague who is new to teaching - how do you cope with lesson planning?! For me, this is my favourite part of the job. I love planning lessons as it is the one time I get to be creative rather than encouraging creativity in others. But I still get into the position of overwhelm very easily, and that is with a lot of years of teaching. There are so many elements to a good lesson, that it’s hard to codify exactly what you should do, and it is certainly a skill you develop over time. Your lesson plans become reflective of you as a teacher, but it is pure experience that gets you to that point. So what follows is designed to be a starting point, not a definitive list. Step 1: What is the purpose of this lesson? This has to be the key starting point. It is easy to get swept up in great ideas that will be fun and engaging to do, but it they don’t actually support the things they need to learn then you are entertaining and not teaching! So...
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